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Women’s Choices in Europe

Women’s Choices in Europe
Elmira Bancheva and Mariya IvanovaИзследвания
Научни редактори: Claudia Quaiser-Pohl (Universität Koblenz-Landau, Germany), Martina Endepohls-Ulpe (Universität Koblenz-Landau, Germany)
Издател Waxmann Verlag GmbH, 2012 Postfach 8603, 48046 Munster, Germany
This book wants to give some insight into the differences as well as the similarities of women’s lives, their educational and occupational attainment and their choices with respect to occupational career and family life in several European countries.
Part III Women’s occupational careers
Pp 151 – 166 Leadership styles of women in Bulgaria
Elmira Bancheva and Mariya Ivanova
“Evidently, over the past decade international leadership and leadership development research have been developed by working on leadership be¬haviour (Kakabadse, McMahon & Myers, 1995), but, what is still lacking, is research addressing issues of leadership in countries facing the drastic challenges of political and economic transformations and the adjustment to a market-driven, competitive world economy (Ardichvili & Gasparishvi- li, 2001). Though Bulgaria was rated amongst the first places in managerial positions, taken by women, according to Eurostat, some experts in the field also defend the idea that women are underrated.
In this context, there is a great need for further empirical research, as well as for using more rigorous methodology to investigate the dynam¬ic changes taking place in Bulgarian companies. Leadership research holds a great promise to bridge the gap between the postulates of Western man¬agement and organisational behaviour theories and the requirements of busi¬ness practice in Bulgaria. Further empirical tests of Western leadership con¬cepts and the use of measurement techniques, which take the specificity of cognitive abilities of Bulgarian managers into consideration, appear to offer an opportunity to find effective ways to improve the organisational perfor¬mance of Bulgarian companies (Elenkov, 2002).
Furthermore, the most important aspect of this issue - gender differences in leadership styles, has not been studied properly yet. For this reason, the present empirical research is focused on the specific characteristics of this issue, by investigating the leadership style of male and female managers, in the Bulgarian society.”