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Sustainability and Justness for Transforming the Water Utility Companies' Business Models in the Circular Economy

Sustainability and Justness for Transforming the Water Utility Companies' Business Models in the Circular Economy
доц. д-р Нинел Нешева - КьосеваНаучни и учебни издания
Sustainability and Justness for Transforming the Water Utility Companies' Business Models in the Circular Economy (201219-082725)
Chapter 10
Sustainability and Justness for Transforming the Water Utility Companies' Business Models in the Circular Economy
Ninel Nesheva-Kiosseva
The purpose of this chapter is to explore some of the problems of the transformation necessary to the business model of Water and Wastewater Utility Companies into a circular economy. This goal is accomplished by extending the understanding of the business model beyond the conventional understanding "within the framework of the corporation". This expansion of the scope of the Water and Wastewater Utility Companies' business model is justified by the fact that water, the source of their business, is a vital natural capital, and along with its economic value, water is a recognized human right. The study elaborates on the part of the business model related to the issues of fair treatment of society in its relations with business. We also explore the issue of value creation for stakeholders not only within a business but also through cooperation between water businesses and stakeholders.