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Bulgaria and Romania: Country Members of the EU, Part of the Global Economy

Bulgaria and Romania: Country Members of the EU, Part of the Global Economy
Мария Иванова, Юлиана Хаджичонева и Ангел ГеоргиевИзследвания
Научни редактори: Искра Христова – Балканска (Институт за икономически изследвания,БАН), Едуард Маринов (БАН)
Издател: Институт за икономически изследвания при БАН
This book contains a total of 27 contributions, divided in four thematic and one poster section. Each paper presents the views of its authors who are completely and solely responsible for the published texts. Just like the conference itself, the current edition offers an interesting mixture of scientific information, research approaches and achievements. Most of the contributions deal with the problems of the impact of EU policies after the 10 years of EU membership of Bulgaria and Romania, the economic development of the two countries as EU member states, their place in the global world and economy, as well as with some modern advances in international economics.
Chapter 2. The Economic Development of Bulgaria and Romania as EU Member Countries
Status of the Wine Industry in Bulgaria And Romania - Common Problems, Joint Initiatives and Perspectives For Developmen, pp 149-160
Mariya Ivanova
Abstract: One can locate a sacredness in the way a winemaker relates to its land, vine and what wine consumption symbolizes. What are the traditions, the contemporary technologies about the wine production in Bulgaria and Romania, how do all these survive through time and what is that something it reveals for each of us? The paper aims to present the way wine production relates to each region’s history, place identity, tradition, collective memory. Studied are traditions, production and consumption patterns of wine in Bulgaria and Romania. Presents an analysis of the current status of the both nationals’ viticulture and wine industry. They give opportunities for development of viticulture and wine-production. Gave guidelines for developing partnership in to viticulture, winemaking and wine market.
Business Environment in Bulgaria And Romania: A Comparative Analysis, pp 121 - 134
Juliana Hadjitchoneva, Angel Georgiev
The business environments in Bulgaria and Romania are discussed and analyzed in a comparative aspect. The paper presents an analysis of the factors influencing the businesses. Both quantitative and qualitative methods of research are applied in order to see the picture of the context in recent years.