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Considering Gender in Adult Learning and in Academia : (in)visible act

Considering Gender in Adult Learning and in Academia : (in)visible act
Elmira Bancheva and Mariya IvanovaИзследвания
Научни редактори: Joanna Ostrouch-Kamińska (University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, Poland), Christine Fontanini (Université de Lorraine, France), Sheila Gaynard (University of Hull, UK)
Издател: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Dolnośląskiej Szkoły Wyższej, Wrocław
The book is focused on gendered analysis of open and hidden aspects of higher education, especially educational curriculum, educational system, structure and organizational hierarchy, men and women’s educational opportunities and achievements, differences in educational and career trajectories and biographical experiences of students and academics. It is organized into four parts entitled: “Towards gender awareness”, “Participation, structure and curriculum”, “Identity, interaction and learning strategies”, ”Flexibility, possibilities and (hidden) effects of adult education”.
Part III Identity, Interaction and Learning Strategy
Pp 133 – 150 Gender difference in Leadership styles of mature students
Elmira Bancheva and Mariya Ivanova
The article Gender difference in Leadership styles of mature students looks at current research about leadership style and behavior in general and how it applies specifically to students in a management development program in higher education. We address the following questions: What are the leadership style profiles of mature students (practicing managers); How do the female students differ from male students (gender differences); How does coaching as a new component of the MSc program relate to the development of transformational leadership style?